Prioritisation of open data relating to gender inequality for the Government of Catalonia
The Directorate-General of Transparency and Open Data entrusted the elaboration of a technical report to Liquen Data in order to identify which data the Administration should offer in open format. This aims at providing proper evidence of the differences and inequalities of the women and men’s situation in all life areas and, especially, to help defining corrective public policies.
El projecte “Anàlisi de la participació de dones en els espais institucionals i socials mixtes a la ciutat de Barcelona", encarregat pel Departament de Transversalitat de Gènere de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona l'octubre de 2017. Té la finalitat de millorar el coneixement de la realitat participativa política i social de les barcelonines i barcelonins, i així poder impulsar polítiques públiques que potenciïn i millorin la participació -efectiva i en igualtat de condicions- de totes les persones que integren la ciutat.
From incubators to ecosystems
Built on the assumption that the value of complexity theory lies in the possibility of understanding the micro dynamics of the system, the present report uses public data clusters about startup enterprises in contemporary regional ecosystems to map/represent the startup digital economy ecosystem of Hull City (UK).
The UX of online abuse
Online harassment and hate speech are specially targeted to women and underprivileged communities, at it has become a problem for sites such as Twitter, Reddit and Wikipedia. However, user experience research is still lacking focus and a critical perspective on race, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds.
Essay on rethinking social education through the intersection of socio educative practice, transfeminism and Information and Communication Technologies.
Semantics as filter for online lesbian desirability.
Confession websites as homonormativity production devices where mainstream lesbian communities are reproducing a structure of speeches that criminalize the diversity of sexualities and non-hegemonic opinions.
Tracking the effects of the Smart City discourse in the city of Barcelona. Forms of control and social exclusion inaugurated through the communion of the city and the IoT/E based technologies.